Footpaths and Barricades
Sasha TyckoSoftcover8 x 5 inches / 16 pages
In The Round
Case MahanText by Whitney BakerUnbound Publication6 x 9 inches / 41 cards
Pagan Babies
John Denny Ashley, Robert Morgan, and the Pagan BabiesEssays by Kevin Nance and Jonathan ColemanHardcover 166 pages with 55 illustrations12.25 x 12.25 inches
Hawkins BoldenText by Maria OwenUnbound Publication5 x 7 inches / 10 cards
Eric RheinText by Eric Rhein, Mark Doty, and Paul Michael BrownHardcover9 x 9.75 inches / 112 pages
Symmetry Breaking
Melissa WattText by Emma Friedman-BuchananUnbound Publication3.25 x 8.25 inches / 10 cards
Out of Hand
Ed McClanahanText by Elizabeth GlassUnbound publication5 x 4 inches / 13 cards
Cosmic Giggles
Charles WilliamsSoftcover8.5 x 11 inches / 179 pages
The Messenger's Mouth Was Heavy
Amy PleasantSoftcover9 x 11.5 inches / 248 pages
To You Through Me
Joe MinterSoftcover8.5 x 11 inches / 136 pages
Lost Atlanta, 1981
Mimi GrossSoftcover8.5 x 14 inches / 64 pages
John Harlan Norris: Disintegrants
Softcover9 x 12 inches / 62 pages
Walks to the Paradise Garden
Edited by Phillip March JonesText by Jonathan WilliamsPhotos by Roger Manley & Guy MendesHardcover6.5 x 9.25 inches / 352 pages
Stephen Varble:
An Antidote to Nature's Ruin on this Heavenly Globe
David GetsySoftcover5.5 x 8.5 inches / 60 pages
Inventory of the Studio and Archive Production
Louis Zoellar BickettSoftcover8.5 x 11 inches / 580 pages
We Run Away And We Don’t Know Why
Aaron SkolnickSoftcover5.25 x 8.25 inches / 17 pages
Please Please
Mike GoodlettSoftcover20 pages
Robert Tharsing: A Retrospective
Softcover9.5 x 9.5 inches / 310 pages
The Misleidys Francisca Castillo Pedroso Coloring Book
Softcover14 pages
Adam O’Neal: Ocean Drive
Introduction by Cat Wentworth Softcover5.5 x 8.5 inches / 33 pages
Making Pictures: Three For A Dime
Photographs by the Massengill Family Hardcover6.25 x 8.5 inches / 180 pages
Institute 193: Volume One
Edited by Chase Martin and Phillip March JonesHardcover9 x 12 inches / 160 pages
Meatyard/Merton, Merton/Meatyard: Photographing Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton and Ralph Eugene MeatyardSoftcover11 x 8 inches / 42 pages
Room With A View Postcards
Robert Tharsing
40/40: 40 Years, 40 Portraits
Guy MendesSoftcover9 x 12 inches / 93 pages